Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Keller using his pretend phone and calling his Mom!
 Hello Preschool parents! The week has been going great! We have been working hard on our farm unit.
Here is what we have been doing this week so far

  • Farm animals and their importance on the farm
  • Farmers and their responsibilities
  • crops on the farm and how they get from the farm to our plates!
We also have been having a lot of discussions about how we treat others and why its important not to hurt any ones feelings. We have been working on self esteem and manners at the lunch table. It has been very successful at the lunch table.

We also have been working on a different letter each day! Since it is a rainy day we have been enjoy the centers in the room and working on team work. It is nice to see the classroom all work together.

Mia and Malachi working on a picture together!

Activities to do at home if you would like:
  • While eating dinner be sure to ask your child what kind of manners we have at the table
  • Ask your child to go find something in the house that starts with the letter C. Since today our letter is C
  • Make sock puppets and put on a puppet show, as this week that is what the Preschool class has been enjoying

I hope you all have a great week!
Ms. Christine

Toddler News

Hello again parents. The week is half over and we have been having fun.

Today the children did sponge painting. We used a triangle shaped sponge and some green paint to do this activity. The children liked the results every time they lifted their sponge to see the shape they just made.

Today was the last time for our high school helpers. Daisy was a great help to us and we thank her.

Sad to say the weather was not on our side this morning. So we didn't get outside for our fresh air. Maybe things will clear up this afternoon. It would be nice.

Also today the children did great stacking our big blocks way up high! Each one is doing so good.

Just a reminder about the up coming field trip on June 7. We are in need of drivers so please let us know if you are able to drive and how many you can seat. Swim lesson will be upon us before you know it. If you would like your child to join please turn in your form soon. Thank you.

In the afternoon we plan on doing some sensory with play dough. Making triangles with the dough and other shapes too.